Professor, Dr. Taro TSUBOMURA

1986 Ph.D University of Tokyo
1986 Reserch Associate, Seikei University
1990 Lecturer, Seikei University
2000 Professor, Seikei University

Academic Societies
   Chemical Society of Japan 1981-
   American Chemical Society 1997-
   Royal Society of Chemistry MRSC 2015-
   Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry 1986-
   Japanese Photochemistry Association 2003-

Tsubomura's reserch interest is in the fields of Luminescence and photochemistry of Coordination compounds.  In recent years, our group has been studying mainly d10 metal complexes and their photophysics and photochemistry.  One of our goals is to construct a new photochemical system using metal complexes.

Undergoing research projects:

1) Synthesis of new luminescent metal complexes.  Metal species used are Cu(I), Ag(I), Pd(0), Pt(0), Pt(II) and rare earthes.

2) Development of new photochemical catalytic reactions for degradation of toxic organic halides.

3) Study of the chemistry of the coordination compounds in ionic liquids.

See publication list, here.


My hobby is to walk around the Musashi-Itsukaichi area and climb low-mountains in the west part of tokyo.  A photograph site of mine is here.

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